Jokapäiväinen tekoälykumppanisi
Noin 1 790 tulosta
  1. VERKKO1 päivä sitten · Pain is a distressing feeling often caused by intense or damaging stimuli. The International Association for the Study of Pain defines pain as "an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience …

  2. Viisi keinoa laskea verenpainetta kotikonstein - Ilta-Sanomat

  3. HS: Ex-kansanedustaja Tapani Mäkisen tila heikentynyt - Iltalehti

  4. VERKKO2 päivää sitten · Thomas Paine is especially noteworthy both for his contributions to the cause of the American Revolution and for his writings in defense of Deism, alongside the criticism of Abrahamic …

  5. VERKKO3 päivää sitten · Morphine, formerly also called morphia, is a strong opiate that is found naturally in opium, a dark brown resin produced by drying the latex of opium poppies ( Papaver somniferum ). It is …