Jokapäiväinen tekoälykumppanisi
  1. Wessex - Wikipedia

  2. Ihmiset kysyvät myös
  3. List of monarchs of Wessex - Wikipedia

  4. Wessex | Kingdom, History, Map, & Facts | Britannica

  5. House of Wessex - Wikipedia

    VERKKOThe House of Wessex, also known as the House of Cerdic, the House of the West Saxons, the House of the Gewisse, the Cerdicings and the West Saxon dynasty, refers to the family, traditionally founded by …

  6. Wessex - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  7. Kings and Queens of Wessex | Timeline of Wessex

    VERKKOWessex, also known as the Kingdom of the West Saxons, was a large and extremely influential Anglo-Saxon kingdom from 519 to 927AD. In this article, we take a look at the Kings and Queens that ruled over …

  8. Wessex – Wikipedia

    VERKKOWessex var ett av de sju stora anglosaxiska rikena som föregick Kungadömet England. Wessex ligger i södra England , söder om Themsen . [ 1 ] Kungariket existerade från 500-talet fram till …

  9. Osa tuloksista on poistettu